Monday, November 16, 2009

The original of the word?

the origin of the "vermouth"is

a; wormwood

b .oakwood



The original of the word?
Vermouth is a fortified wine, it is almost always made from white wine, and comes in either a red or white variety (and a couple of mild variations thereof), and it gets its particular unique characteristics from the various herbs and spices which are added to it. Every producer has their own unique combination of ingredients and processes that they apply to their product. There are perhaps fifty different herbs and spices which can be utilized, gentian, mint, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, quessia, sandalwood, rhubarb stems, quinine, just to name a few. The word “vermouth” comes from the German word “Wermuth” for “wormwood”, which was one of the key herbs in the original formula created by Antonio Carpano in the late 1700’s

So yes, A. Wormwood, would be the answer!

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