Monday, November 16, 2009

Is Gluten-Free Sugar-Free dessert possible?

I have a gluten intolerance along with hypoglycemia. I cannot tolerate fruit, honey, sugar, artificial sweeteners, etc. I can tolerate Stevia, but it tastes disgusting to me. I do however love agave nectar, and I have no reaction from it.

Does anyone know of ANY dessert I could make? My wedding is coming up in less than a month, and it would be awesome if I had a cake of my own (or any dessert for that matter).

Any suggestions?

Is Gluten-Free Sugar-Free dessert possible?
I found this recipe for gluten-free flour for baking...

Barbara's Gluten Free Flour Mixture

1 cup brown rice flour

1/4 cup sweet rice flour

1/4 cup tapioca starch

1/4 cup millet flour (You can substitute another flour with this flour.)

i suspect you could use that for a cake that is made like a pineapple cake, using the agave nectar in place of the pineapple

you have a very difficult allergy combination- i bet you're rail thin!

i also found a site that might help you out, its all about baking gluten free.

you might try a health food store as well- maybe they can help you out

the gluten free godess also has this to say... Okay. I know sugar has gotten a bad rap. It’s blamed for all kinds of symptoms. And some individuals may, indeed, be sensitive to too much of it. After a lot of experimenting and personal research, here is what I – personally - think about cane sugar. [If you are allergic to cane because it is in the grass family, you may be able to handle beet sugar, or palm sugar; ask your doctor.]

Reply:Take a look at this sites: - 7k - 24k

There is a recipe here:
Reply:OK Ashley 84

I know that I am not going to get it right on the first try ,so maybe someone who also knows what they are doing can add to the idea.

My basic idea is a molded mousse using gelatin, flavored whipped cream and egg whites.

The mousse could be served in molded individual portions to the guests and you and your groom would have a larger mold used so you can do the ceremonial "cake cutting "

We of course need a dominant flavor and it needs to plate well.

Let's see where this goes.


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