Friday, November 18, 2011

Does adding sweetener to a vinegar drink take away the benefits?

I've read from several sources that although vinegar is an acid, once ingested, it helps make your body alkaline. Will adding honey, agave, or maple syrup, to the vinegar drink render it useless? Or will the drink still help to make the body alkaline?


Does adding sweetener to a vinegar drink take away the benefits?
Honegar is an old remedy, going back centuries. Equal amounts of honey and apple cider vinegar are mixed with warm water. It is used to stabilize the electrolytes of the body from the effects of diarrhea, thus neutralizing the environment that disease thrives in. It is also good for sore throats, coughs of all kinds, asthma (as a preventative), I could keep on going.

Honey adds to the benefits of ACV. Not sure about maple syrup having any benefits, other than to make it sweet. However, maple syrup does stabilize the body's blood sugar better than honey.
Reply:I usually mix apple cider vinegar w/ a little honey to make it more tolerable...i've never heard of it being a problem
Reply:adding honey Is fine.

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